viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2015

Dear JP

So, some days ago, a Spanish Youtuber (JPelirrojo), posted a video on his channel, pretty much just giving his opinion on why he thought that "women who defend make-up or high heels are like a slave who defends it's chains because they think it gives them freedom". So what I am doing now, is basically answer to your video. 
First of all, it is your opinion, I understand that. But saying that you don't want to impose your opinion is a bit of a lie, don't you think? I'm not saying this because of the video, but because of all the following things and answers you posted on twitter. If you are just "giving your opinion", I don't know why you kept replaying tweets, each one more rude than the previous. Because if you respect my opinion yet you call me a slave maybe you aren't really respecting it, don't you think?
Next thing, feminism is much more than just the equality of the genders. Yeah, that is the definition, I am aware of that, but it involves more. You don't like the word because you think that the word has connotations that don't seek for the equality of genders. I don't even think you are a feminist. 
Why do I wear make-up? 
And if I feel insecure and I want to put make-up on my face, I'm free to do it. Am I hurting anyone? No. 
And if I am super confident without make-up, and still want to put it? I can do it. Am I hurting anyone? No. 
Don't go all "you don't need make-up to feel confident with yourself" because; one, you don't fucking know me and two make-up does not mean insecure. 
Who are you to question anyone's life choices? No one. 
Make up is art, and make up can be a job, and people like make up. And I repeat, I can wear it if I feel insecure, and I can wear it just because I feel like wearing it. Sometimes self confidence has nothing to do with makeup, just like society.
Society can kiss my ass. Not all of us live ruled by it, you know? 
Does it affect you personally someway, that some girl who you don't even know is wearing make up? No. 
Are you the one wearing make-up? Again. no. 
Then, why does it matter so much to you? 
You don't know everybody in this world, or how people really feel without them opening up. So their way to love themselves it's something personal. You think that if someone who wears make-up, takes it off, they'll suddenly feel beautiful and confident?
Grow up, honestly. 
I have nothing else to say. If you want to give your opinion, that is fine. But respect is something. 

- Sleeping Blondie

1 comentario:

  1. Hi, I'm going to "answer" you with my opinion using my "chapurreado" English.
    Honestly I agreed with him in some parts but also and more with you. It's not his business to give an opinion of make up because he doesn't use it.
    Actually I don't feel slave wearing it but some years ago i did. I was so insecure of myself i had no idea how i could feel better so make up helped me, and I've met so many girls that felt the same. (but not the whole insecure girls on the world hide them behind make up).

    Yeah, society is pure shit but it has not always the blame. The blame is on people that follow the trending, wasting their money buying expensive make up just for feeling good not because they look nice but for the feeling of being in something. Maybe I'm confusing you but just want to mean that we make our make up our slave. And that make us free. Free of choose what we want to wear it or not.

    JP has done this so much times before, he do likes criticise something and then some hours or days after he says "sorry" and that makes me mad. Don't say sorry keep you opinion even if people don't accept when you're not accepting that girls aren't "slaves" of make up.

    And about heels, well that hurts and I'm a mess wearing them (I walk like Bambi just born) but i like when i feel little bit higher. It's just a decision, like when you take other kind of shoes (for example Vans hurts me as hell even worst that heels). XD

    I hope you have understand, sorry for the chaos :P

    Kisses ;)
